초·중·고 유학

제목소머빌중학교, Somerville Intermediate School, 뉴질랜드 유학이민전문 연어브로드, 오클랜드현지유학원2022-04-05 05:27
작성자 Level 10
첨부파일6B2E4F11-700C-4CA1-8988-067CA734304A.jpeg (181.4KB)


뉴질랜드 오클랜드 현지유학원 연어브로드Pioneer 이강련 이사입니다. 

뉴질랜드 #오클랜드동쪽 #명문중학교 #소머빌인터미디에잇스쿨 을 소개합니다.

#데싸일10, #남녀공학, #공립중학교 #전교생932 #year7, #year8

#국적분포 #Nationality#학력평가표는 아래 파이차트와 막대그래프를 확인하세요.



Somerville Intermediate is located in Howick / Auckland. It places an emphasis on personalised learning so that intermediate aged students are able to explore their passions and develop the skills they need to succeed in an ever-changing world.


#썸머빌인터 홈페이지 입니다.

※ 학교의 위치와 주소를 확인하세요

※ 오클랜드국제공항에서 차로 32분 거리(교통정체 수준에 따라 차이 있습니다)

Yolande Franke

MEdAdminLead(Hons), PGDipHigherEd(Dist), BA

교장선생님 욜란데.

#2023년학기 및 입학일 입니다.

▶ 텀1: 2월 1일 수요일 - 4월 6일 목요일

▶ 텀2: 4월 24일 월월요일 - 6월 30일 목요일

▶ 텀3: 7월 17일 월요일 - 10월 22일 금요일

▶ 텀4: 10월 9일 월요일 - 12월 19일 화요일


Term 1

Wednesday 1 February - Thursday 6 April


Term 2

Monday 24 April - Friday 30 June


Term 3

Monday 17 July - Friday 22 September


Term 4

Monday 9 October - Tuesday 19 December



Teacher Only Days


Friday 2 June

Friday 20 October



#티쳐온리데이 #TeacherOnlyDay

선생님들만 출근, 업무 처리를 하시는 날로, 학생들은 쉬는 날입니다.


▶ 6월 2일 금요일

▶ 10월 20일 금요일



▶ 교실오픈 아침8시30분 시작 - 오후3시 끝

▶ 학교 사무실 행정 시간 아침 8시-오후4시

#학교시설 을 아래 링크에서 확인하세요.



Facilities Property Projects We have some exciting new projects commissioned to commence at the school this year. Agility Playground Our current playground has been completely re-designed. Work on our new agility playground will commence towards the end of this term, with completion due early in Ter...


※학교 항공샷 입니다.

#썸머빌인터미디에잇 의 역사입니다.

#썸머빌 지역이 생성된 역사는 아래 링크를 확인하세요.


 Our History

Our History School History Our school was named after the Somerville Family who owned the land on which the school was built.  Pre-1850 Ngai Tai people occupied several paa, or fortified villages, in the Mangemangeroa Valley, using the forest and marine environments for food and shelter. Evidence of...


※썸머빌인터 는 1997년, 학교 문을 열었습니다.

※뉴질랜드학교들은 #페이스북페이지 를 통해 생생한 학교뉴스를 전합니다. 썸머빌인터 의 페이스북페이지 입니다.

아래 페북 링크를 통해 학생들의 근황을 확인하세요.


Somerville Intermediate School

Somerville Intermediate School, 오클랜드. 좋아하는 사람 523명 · 이야기하고 있는 사람들 6명 · 90명이 방문했습니다. We are a co-educational school that caters for 11-13 year olds. We provide excellent quality education and a...


#중학교 #첫학년#year7

- 다양한 프로그램으로 중학교 첫 학년 출발

- 스포츠, 댄스, 드라마, 카파하카 Kapa Haka (뉴질랜드 원주민 마오리족의 전통 의식으로 뉴질랜드 공식 행사의 오프닝을 장식하는 퍼포먼스 입니다.), 합창, 오케스트라, 리더십

- #퐈나우 whānau 시스템: 해리포터 의 기숙사 시스템과 비슷해서 7,8 학년 학생들을 각 각의 그룹(퐈나우)로 나눠 같은 색깔의 상의를 입고 체육대회 등을 할 때 함께하는 경쟁 시스템입니다.

- 다양한 #스페셜리스트_서브젝트 #Technology and #Specialist_subjects 를 통해 전문가에게 깊이있게 배울 수 있습니다.

- #HardMaterials #목공

- TWO Specialist Science programmes #과학

- Digital, Visual and Communications Technology #디지털 #비주얼 #커뮤니케이션 #테크놀로지

- Food Technology #푸드테크놀로지

- Art #미술

- Music #음악

- Dance and Drama #댄스 #드라마

- 뉴질랜드 year7 은 누구나 첫 학기에 #이어세븐캠프 #Year7camp 를 갑니다. 썸머빌인터는 #모투타푸섬캠프 #MotutapuIslandcamp 를 가는데요, 자연과 친구들과 부모써포터들과 학교 선생님들과 하나 되는 체험을 하고 돌아옵니다.

As part of our outdoor education programme year seven students participate in a camp at the beautiful Motutapu island.

※ 2020년 이어세븐 캠프 날짜를 확인하세요. #룸_반 별로 나눠 갔다옵니다.


Dates for 2020 camps are:


Camp 1 - Monday 24 August - Thursday 27 August

Rooms 28, 30, 32, 34, 27 & 14


Camp 2 - Monday 31 August - Thursday 3 September

Rooms 7, 9, 15, 17 & 26


Camp 3 - Tuesday 22 September - Friday 25 September

Rooms 2, 6, 19, 22 & 13



Camp Parent Training Evening - Wednesday 12 August: 6.30 - 7.30 pm


※ 5일간의 캠프를 위해 짐싸는 법 등 안내 프로그램과 학부모써포터들 트레이닝 프로그램이 미리 있습니다.

#모투타푸섬캠프 항공샷입니다.

※ 아래 링크를 통해 캠프 내용을 확인하세요.


Motutapu Outdoor Education Camp — Island Activities & Accommodation

Our passion is outdoor education and experiences. Motutapu Outdoor Education Camp on Motutapu Island in the Hauraki Gulf caters to all groups — family, friends, school and corporates. We offer accommodation, activities, conservation and nature, as well as island history.


#캠프 사진을 아래 링크로 확인하세요.


 Year 7 EOTC

Year 7 Camp Motutapu Island As part of our outdoor education programme year seven students participate in a camp at the beautiful Motutapu island. Dates for 2020 camps are: Camp 1 - Monday 24 August - Thursday 27 August                      Rooms 28, 30, 32, 34, 27 & 14  Camp 2 - Monday 31 August - ...


- 수영하는 날,

- 응급처치 등을 배우기 위해 응급 회사, 쎄인트 존스 방문

- 몸 교육 전문가에게 배우는 몸 교육 수업

- 탁구, 조정, 배드민턴, 스쿼시

- 특별 게스트: 뉴질랜드 작가, 소설가

- 국립 군대 박물관 방문/ 제 1차 세계대전 이해

- swimming sports day

- St Johns visit the school to orientate students around basic but important first-aid practices.

- school athletics day.

- specialist physical education lessons a physical education specialist teacher.

- outside experts. table tennis, rowing, badminton, squash and many others.

- unique visitors. outside groups and community programmes helps our students see the greater world around them, “Attitude” group, New Zealand writer/authors even the National Army Museum visits the school in Term 2 to present a range of interactive experiences aimed at building an understanding of life during WW1.


- 텀 3: 스피치대회 오클랜드 남동부 지역 결선

- 시, 랩, 전통 스피치, 플래시톡 중 스피치 종류 선택 가능

Term 3 speeches with school winners competing in the South Eastern Zone finals. Students are able to choose between traditional speeches, spoken word (poetry), rap and a flash talk (using images to complement oral communication).


- 2020년 아트 앤 컬쳐 이브닝 개최 예정

- 다양한 퍼포먼스, 카파 하카 공연 등 예정

This year we will be having an Arts and Cultural Evening where different performing arts and cultural groups will be on show. There will also be a further opportunity for the kapa haka group to perform at a local hui.


- 텀 4: 학교체육대회, 학년말 수상식, Year 7 Big Day In

Term 4 always has an air of excitement as each whanau busily prepares for their end of year celebration evenings. Here students showcase all the wonderful learning and experiences that have gone on during the year. This is also the term we have our school athletics day, end of year prize giving ceremonies and the Year 7 Big Day In.

- 3~4 종류의 테크놀로지와 전문분야 수업

- 두 과목의 전문 과학 프로그램 수업 한 텀 동안 한 후 나머지 두 텀 중 한 텀은 스페셜리스트, 테크놀로지, 마지막 텀은 각 각 학생들이 그동안 수업한 분야 중 좋아하는 분야에서 반 텀 보다 좀 짧게 수업을 하게 됩니다.


In Year 8, all students get the opportunity to delve deeper into the 3 or 4 of the 8 Technology and Specialist areas. All students spend one term covering the two specialist science programmes, then they have two terms where they can spend a full term in a specialist/technology programme they enjoy. The final term gives them two shorter half-term programmes in other areas they have enjoyed.

- 이어7 에서와 마찬가지로 이어 8 에서도 퐈나우 활동을 하게 됩니다.

- 퐈나우는 아래에 종류를 설명하겠지만, 이 활동을 통해 파워, 변화, 구조와 갈등 같은 국제적인 개념을 형성하게 됩니다.

- 파나우 활동을 통해 커리큘럼 안에서 과목간의 연결성과 학습을 기반한 그 이상의 접근에 대해 이해하게 됩니다.


As in Year 7, all Year 8 students are involved in a whanau inquiry. This learning is created around a ‘universal concept’ such as power, change, structure and conflict. Students then explore this concept deeply and critically and from multiple perspectives. This learning is integrated across the curriculum using a transdisciplinary approach that enables students to see connections between subjects.


- 이어 8 에서 가장 중요한 것은 #EOTC Education Outside of The Classroom 교실 밖에서의 교육

One of the highlights for Year 8 students is the EOTC during the year. These experiences are designed to foster collaboration, problem solving and resilience. They are always well received by students and support them to get to know their new classmates and teachers better.


- 수영의 날, 학교 체육대회

- 응급처치 등을 배우기 위해 응급 회사, 쎄인트 존스 방문

- 몸 교육 전문가에게 배우는 몸 교육 수업

- 탁구, 조정, 배드민턴, 스쿼시, 럭비, 넷볼, 크로스 컨츄리, 워터폴로, 하키, 소프트볼, 크리켓

- 특별 게스트: 어글리 셰익스피어 컴퍼니, 뉴질랜드 작가, 소설가

- 국립 군대 박물관 방문/ 제 1차 세계대전 이해

Students participate in School swimming sports day and school athletics day. Both these days are used not only to celebrate and challenge our young athletes but are also a lot of FUN! Over the course of the year our students have the opportunity to receive specialist physical education lessons as we are fortunate to have a physical education specialist teacher. We also include lessons from outside experts. These include table tennis, rowing, badminton, squash and many others. Throughout the year a variety of sports opportunities are available for students. These include rugby, netball, cross country, water polo, hockey, softball, cricket, squash and a range of other sports. All in all a great range of opportunities – GO FOR IT AND HAVE FUN!


Our students benefit from interesting and unique visitors. This connection with other outside groups and community programmes helps our students see the greater world around them, Some examples are groups such as the “Attitude” group, The Ugly Shakespeare Company, New Zealand writer/authors even the National Army Museum who visit the school in Term 2 to present a range of interactive experiences aimed at building an understanding of life during WW1.


- 텀 3: 스피치대회 오클랜드 남동부 지역 결선

- 시, 랩, 전통 스피치, 플래시톡 등 중 시피치 종류 선택 가능


Term 3 sees students delivering speeches with school winners competing in the South Eastern Zone finals. Students are able to choose between traditional speeches, spoken word (poetry), rap and a flash talk (using images to complement oral communication).


- 2020년 아트 앤 컬쳐 이브닝 개최 예정

- 다양한 퍼포먼스, 카파 하카 공연 등 예정

This year we will be having an Arts and Cultural Evening where different performing arts and cultural groups will be on show. There will also be a further opportunity for the kapa haka group to perform at a local hui.

- 텀 4: 학교체육대회, 학년말 수상식, Year 8 졸업 댄스 파티, Big Day Out


In Term 4 each whānau hosts an end of year celebration evening during which they share the learning and learning experiences that they have been involved in throughout the year. This is also the term during which we have our school athletics day, the school prize giving ceremonies, our Year 8 Graduation Dance as well as the Big Day Out.

※ Whānau 파나우 시스템: 이어7, 8 이 한 그룹으로 나뉘어 하는 활동입니다.

▶ Aoraki Whānau 아오라키 파나우 (아래 링크에서 활동 내용을 확인하세요)


 Aoraki Whānau

"The best you can be" Aoraki Whānau Whānau Members Year 7 Room 13 Jonathan McPhail Room 14 Alana Burgess Room 26 Sonya Koshy Room 27 Nora Harrison Year 8 Room 11 Alex Sharma Room 12 Karen Woolridge Room 24 Georgia McCombe Room 25 Mike Dibben Inquiry Synopsis “Those who cannot change their minds cann...


▶ Kawarau Whānau 카와라우 파나우 (아래 링크에서 활동 내용을 확인하세요)


 Kawarau Whānau

"The best you can be" Kawarau Whānau Whānau Members Year 7 Room 32 Andy Hamilton Room 28 David Acton Room 30 Nadine Mackereth Room 34 Hayley Carter Year 8 Room 29 Mallory van Diepen Room 31 Annabel Thorne Room 33 Bo Ahn Room 35 Vanessa Hancock Inquiry Synopsis How are relationships remarkable? This ...


▶ Rangitoto Whānau 랑기토토 파나우 (아래 링크에서 활동 내용을 확인하세요)


 Rangitoto Whānau

"The best you can be" Rangitoto Whānau Whānau Members Year 7 Room 7 Tina McKenzie Room 9 Dave Beehre Room 15 Donna Bowler Room 17 Joey Jekel Year 8 Room 8 Chia Mhawish Room 10 Chris Appleton Room 16 Louise Connolly Room 18 Rosy Gramani Inquiry Synopsis Where we live affects how we live. Our school h...


▶ Ruapehu Whānau 루아페후 파나우 (아래 링크에서 활동 내용을 확인하세요)


 Ruapehu Whānau

"The best you can be" Ruapehu Whānau Whānau Members Year 7 Room 19 Tracy McHatton Room 22 Jati Dubey Room 2 Francis Viljoen Room 6 Mark Barlow Year 8 Room 1 Steve Harper-Travers Room 5 Paul Knight Room 21 Debbie Eagle Room 20 Danyon Haskett Inquiry Synopsis With great power comes great responsibilit...


※ 스페셜리스트 프로그램

▶ 목공 Hard Materials (아래 링크로 확인하세요)


 Hard Materials

"The best you can be" Hard Materials Year 7 The Year 7 programme is a foundation based programme with an emphasis on safe working and correct use of the equipment. Pupils create a generic project based on structures and mechanisms. Year 7 pupils will work on the development of a "Moving Toy" design,...


▶ 푸드 테크놀로지 Food Technology (아래 링크로 확인하세요)


 Food Technology

Food Technology Year 7 You will learn about: The food technology room and the procedures we follow to ensure, the food that we prepare is safe to eat; Health and safety procedures; How to work together in a small group; The words we use to describe and categorise food; How to read a recipe; How to u...


▶ DVC 테크놀로지 Digital, Visual & Communications Technologyig (아래 링크로 확인하세요)


 Digital, Visual and Communications Technology

DVC Technology Digital, Visual & Communications Technology Year 7 Year 7 students will learn about 3D design by using computer aided design (CAD) software to create an object to be 3D printed. They will also explore coding and computational thinking by creating a game. Year 8 Year 8 students will ex...


▶ 스포츠 Sports (아래 링크로 확인하세요)



"The best you can be" Sports Sport Opportunites At Somerville, we believe that physical education and sport are important to physical well-being and the development of healthy attitudes towards co-operation and competition. We offer students the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical ac...


▶ 댄스, 드라마 Dance & Drama (아래 링크로 확인하세요)


 Dance & Drama

"The best you can be" Dance & Drama "Creativity is contagious, pass it on." Albert Einstein Dance and drama at Somerville Intermediate in Year 7 and 8 provides a creative environment where students can develop their technique and confidence. Students at Somerville Intermediate will have the opportun...


▶ 비주얼 아트 Visual Art (아래 링크로 확인하세요)


 Visual Art

"The best you can be" Visual Art Year 7: Year 7 students have a maximum of ten lessons (1 hour 20 minutes each) over a five week period. Year 8: Year 8 students have a maximum of 15 lessons (1 hour 45 minutes each) over a term. Students have the opportunity to experience visual arts within all four ...


▶ 음악 Music (아래 링크로 확인하세요)



"The best you can be" Music Year 7 Year 7 students have a maximum of ten lessons (1 hour 20 minutes each) over a five week period. The focus is using SOLO Taxonomy to foster critical thinking skills and creativity, while further developing the five key competencies. Students have the opportunity to ...


▶ 과학 Science (아래 링크로 확인하세요)



Science During specialist science lessons at Somerville the students focus on developing five science capabilities that help them to think and work scientifically. They gather and interpret data, use evidence, critique evidence, interpret representations and engage with science in a creative, practi...


※ 썸머빌인터 에서 받은 연어브로드 학생의 입학허가서 와 학비청구서 를 아래 링크로 확인하세요.


썸머빌인터 입학허가서, 학비청구서, Somerville Intermediate School, 뉴질랜드유학이민전문 연어브로드

​​​뉴질랜드 #오클랜드동쪽 #명문중학교 #썸머빌인터 에서 #이어7, #year7 입학허가서를 받았습니다.​2...



​상담은 아래로 부탁드립니다.

​카카오톡 아이디: lipinpink

뉴질랜드핸드폰: 022 091 9277

연어브로드@Pioneer 회사 전화: 09 3799 111 (내선번호 212)

이메일: yeonabroad@pioneernewzealand.com

홈페이지: http://www.yeonabroadpioneer.co.nz

블로그: http://blog.naver.com/lupinpink

☞ 주소:

Yeon LEE

Marketing Specialist/ Education Consultant

Pioneer Education & Immigration Services Group Ltd.

Level 3, Tower 1, 205 Queen Street, Auckland CBD, New Zealand

Post Code: 1010

※ 연어브로드Pioneer 는 뉴질랜드 오클랜드 현지유학원 파이오니어 유학이민그룹, Pioneer Education & Immigration Services Group Ltd. 의 한국 분과입니다.

2020. 11. 3. 화요일 포스팅을 2023년 1월 23일 월요일에 업데이트,  #뉴질랜드 #오클랜드 #현지유학원 #뉴질랜드유학원 #연어브로드Pioneer #뉴질랜드유학 #뉴질랜드유학후이민 #205QueenStreet #대한민국영사관건물3층 #뉴질랜드명문중 #오클랜드동쪽중학교