
제목오클랜드대학교부설어학원, ELA, 아카데믹영어, 대학교파운데이션패스웨이영어, 일반영어, 뉴질랜드유학이민전문, 연어브로드Pioneer, 오클랜드현지유학원2022-03-28 04:13
작성자 Level 10
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뉴질랜드 오클랜드 현지유학원 연어브로드Pioneer 이강련 부장입니다.


#오클랜드대학교부설어학원 #ELA#어학프로그램 을 업데이트합니다.




학교 홈페이지입니다.



우선 #ELA 의 일반영어 #GeneralEnglish 프로그램을 소개합니다.




일반영어 홈페이지입니다.


1. General English

- 최소 등록연장기간 4주

- 연장 의사는 연장 기간 시작 최소 1주 전에 밝혀야합니다.

- 학비는 최소 코스 시작 4주전에 납부해야합니다.

- 학교 도착 첫 날 코스 레벨을 정하기 위해 레벨테스트를 쳐야합니다.


The minimum period required for extension is 4 weeks. Students must inform the Enrolments team of their intention to extend their study a minimum of one week before their extended course of study commences.

Students must pay the tuition fees for their Study Programme to ELA at least four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of their course, except in the following case: Students from the People’s Republic of China are not permitted to pay the tuition fees before INZ has granted “Student Visa Approval in Principle

▶ 일반영어 레벨표

Students are tested on their first day to determine their class level. Please note that we only have General English classes at the levels in the table below:


General English Levels

- 일반영어 입학 최소 레벨은 CEFR LevelA1, IELTS 3.5, TOEFLiBT 20.

- 온라인 레벨테스트 예약가능합니다.

Please note the minimum entry level for GE is Elementary (CEFR level A1, IELTS 3.5 or TOEFL iBT 20)

If you would like to get an idea of what your English level is before you enrol, please click HERE to complete our Online Placement Test.

▶ 샘플시간표

- 온라인수업은 뉴질랜드시간 오후 1시 ~ 5시15분 까지 모든 레벨에서 진행됩니다.

- 레벨테스트 결과에 따라 오전반, 오후반으로 배정됩니다.

- 모든 학생들은 주 20 시간 수업합니다.

- 일반영어 수강 생 중 높은 레벨 학생은 2시간의 선택수업 elective class 를 매일 받을 수 있습니다.

Please note this is a sample timetable only. All online classes are from 1pm to 5:15pm NZT for all levels.

You will be placed in either the Morning Session or Afternoon Session depending on your level of English. All students receive 20 hours of tuition per week. Students at higher levels of General English have two hours of elective classes per day, while students at lower levels focus on building their key language foundations in the elective class.

Students choose their elective classes upon arrival at the ELA.



▶ 2022년, 2023년 ELA 수업 시간표입니다.

▶ General English 학비

- 3~11주 주당 $475, $475 p/week 3-11 weeks

- 12주 이상 $460, $460 p/week 12+ weeks

이제, 오클랜드대학교 부설어학원인 #ELA 의 대학교공부를 준비하기위한 아카데믹영어 프로그램을 소개합니다.

2. Academic English


아카데믹영어 페이지입니다.


- 대학교준비 영어과정입니다.

- 듣기, 쓰기 말하기, 독해 의 네 영역을 독립적으로 해나갈 수 있도록 준비합니다.

- 4 레벨이있습니다.

1) EAP Intro : Academic English (session 1) + IELTS or university study skills (session 2)

2) EAP1: Academic English (session 1) + IELTS or university preparation skills (session 2)

3) EAP 2: Academic English (session 1) + IELTS or university preparation skills (session 2)

4) EAP3: Academic English (session 1) + IELTS or university preparation skills (session 2)

Academic English will help you improve your English language skills to prepare you for study success at university. This course provides you with opportunities to develop your independent learning strategies and individual needs in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

This course has 4 levels: EAP Intro, EAP1, EAP 2, EAP3. Each level has two sessions of lessons every day as per below:

1) EAP Intro : Academic English (session 1) + IELTS or university study skills (session 2)

2) EAP1: Academic English (session 1) + IELTS or university preparation skills (session 2)

3) EAP 2: Academic English (session 1) + IELTS or university preparation skills (session 2)

4) EAP3: Academic English (session 1) + IELTS or university preparation skills (session 2)

- IELTS 밴드점수 향상을 원하시면,

Academic English (session 1) + IELTS (session 2) 을 택하시고 IELTS 시험을 보실 수 있습니다. ( ELA 는 #IELTS공식시험장소 입니다. )

- 대학교 공부를 위해 영어실력을 향상시키고 싶으신 경우,

Academic English (session 1) + university preparation skills (session 2) 을 선택하시고 공부하시다가 ELA 의 #대학교파운데이션패스웨이 #FCertEAPpathway 를 선택하시거나 IELTS 점수를 통해 원하시는 학교로 가실 수 있습니다.

- 일반영어 공부 후 아카데믹영어 공부를 원하실 경우 학교에서 레벨테스트 후 과정을 준비해드립니다.

If you wish to improve your IELTS band scores, you may choose:

Academic English (session 1) + IELTS (session 2)

Take an IELTS test upon completion of the course at ELA's official IELTS Test Centre.

If you wish to improve your English for future tertiary studies, you may choose:

Academic English (session 1) + university preparation skills (session 2)

You will develop the language and academic skills to help you progress to the next level of English, move to our FCertEAP pathway course, or transition to your destination programme.

A course for students interested in studying General English prior to their Academic English course can be arranged.

▶ 코스 기간

- 학생분들은 한 블록 이상을 선택하실 수 있으며, 한 블록은 10주로 구성되어 있습니다.

- 단, 썸머스쿨 기간동안은 한 블록이 7주로 구성됩니다.

Course length

Students can take more than one block of 10 weeks depending on their needs. Each block is 10 weeks; except Summer School, which is 7 weeks.

▶ 코스 날짜, Course dates


- 2022년 4월 11일 ~ 6월 17일 (10주), 11 April – 17 June 2022 (10 weeks)

- 2022년 6월 27일 ~ 9월 2일 (10주), 27 June – 2 September 2022 (10 weeks)

- 2022년 9월 12일 ~ 2022년 11월 18일 (10주), 12 September – 18 November 2022 (10 weeks)

- 2022년 11월 21일 ~ 2023년 1월 20일 (7주), 21 November 2022 – 20 January 2023 (7 weeks)

▶ 총 수업시간 Total hours

200 시간, 플러스 1~4 블록 기간 (1월 ~ 11월) 중 #워크샵 을 선택할 수 있습니다.

200 hours; Plus optional workshops available in Blocks 1 - 4 (January - November)

▶ 주의사항

- 학교 오신 첫 날, 반 배정을 위한 레벨테스트를 보셔야합니다.

- 아카데믹 영어는 4 단계로 나뉘어있어, 다음 단계로 올라가기위해서는 레벨테스트를 통과하셔야합니다.


- 최근 획득하신 IELTS 점수, 혹은 2022년 동안 인정되는 IELTS_Indicator 점수가 있다면 제출하셔도 되나, 레벨테스트 결과와 차이가 날 때는 학교 아카데믹영어 매니저가 반배정을 결정하게 됩니다.

- 레벨테스트 결과가 아카데믹영어 최저단계인 #EAP_Intro 보다 낮게 나올 경우, 일반영어반으로 배정 받게 됩니다.

You will be tested on your first day to determine your class level. There are four levels of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) offered, from Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B1 to B2+ to C1. For progression to the next level, you need to achieve the required grade in the course

Further details on CEFR levels can be found at: http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/cefr/

A recent IELTS score may be given as evidence of level, but if there is a significant difference between the placement test score and the IELTS score, the Academic English manager will determine the appropriate level for the student. IELTS Indicator can also be accepted during 2022 until further notice.

If you are below the level required for Introduction to English for Academic Purposes (EAP Intro), your enrolment will be changed to the General English course to build your language foundations.

If you would like to get an idea of what your English level is before you enrol, please click HERE to complete our Online Placement Test.


▶ 아카데믹영어 영어레벨 4단계 Academic English English Levels



▶ ELA 샘플영어 시간표


*Please note electives are dependent on student numbers.



▶ 학비 10주에 $5,195 /10 weeks (200 hours)

- 학생분들의 영어 레벨에 따라 오전반, 오후반으로 배정됩니다.

- 코스를 반복하는 학생들은 코스 첫 날 자리가 있는지 인롤먼트 매니저에게 확인해야합니다.

- 학비는 코스 시작 4주 전에 납부해야합니다.

- 아카데믹영어를 공부하는 학생들은 노크북, 혹은 테블릿을 지참해야합니다.

Depending on your English level, you will either be placed in a morning or afternoon session. Please click here for an example timetable.

Students repeating the course need to confirm their place with the Enrolments Manager no later than the first day of the course.

Students must pay the tuition fees for their Study Programme to ELA at least four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of their Study Programme, except in the following case: Students from the People’s Republic of China are not permitted to pay the tuition fees before INZ has granted “Student Visa Approval in Principle”

Please note students taking Academic English will need to have their own device, i.e. laptop or tablet.



3. #대학교패스웨이준석사프로그램

#University_Pathway_Postgraduate Programmes


- 대학교 준석사 과정 공부를 위한 영어 능숙도를 높히는 프로그램입니다.

- 성공적 수료 시 오클랜드대학교 준석사과정과 다른 뉴질랜드 대학의 준석사 과정에 바로 입학하실 수 있습니다.

- 아래 세 프로그램으로 나뉘어져 있습니다

FCertEAP Plus for Postgraduate Studies (Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes Plus): 30 weeks/600 hours

FCertEAP for Postgraduate Studies (Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes): 20 weeks/400 hours

EPPS (English Pathway for Postgraduate Studies): 10 weeks/200 hours.

ELA’s postgraduate pathway programmes have been designed to prepare you for the next step in your university journey.

These programmes will help you develop the language proficiency and academic literacy needed for postgraduate studies through English.

These are direct entry programmes: successful completion with the required grade will meet the English language requirements for entry to the University of Auckland and a range of other tertiary institutions in New Zealand1.

There are three programmes available to choose from.

The most suitable programme for you will depend on your current level of English.

FCertEAP Plus for Postgraduate Studies (Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes Plus): 30 weeks/600 hours

FCertEAP for Postgraduate Studies (Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes): 20 weeks/400 hours

EPPS (English Pathway for Postgraduate Studies): 10 weeks/200 hours.

In these programmes,

- 아래 부분을 공부하시게 됩니다.



You will learn skills and strategies to:
  • identify academic articles according to their type and purpose  

  • find appropriate academic articles in the University of Auckland’s library databases  

  • identify claims from research relevant to your own research question  

  • think critically, evaluate and reflect on ideas and research  

  • understand the structure and conventions of different types of academic writing genres which are typical at postgraduate level  

  • express ideas clearly in writing   

  • paraphrase and summarise research from academic articles for use in your writing  

  • understand more complex academic articles   
  • follow and cope with lectures, seminars, and group discussions  

  • take concurrent notes while listening   

  • communicate effectively in academic seminars, discussions, and presentations   
  • extend your range and use of academic vocabulary  

  • improve your range and use of key grammatical structures  

Study Skills
  • understand your strengths and weaknesses as language learners  

  • apply useful learning strategies to manage your own learning  

  • use technology and software to find, organise, and present information  




- 2022년 동안 온라인, 대면 수업이 동시에 진행됩니다.

- 자세한 사항은 문의 주세요.

For the duration of 2022, all of our Pathways Courses are being offered online (as well as face to face for students who are in New Zealand).

Book a free demonstration lesson of these courses HERE.

1Conditions may apply with some programmes - please enquire with the Enrolment team for more information.


4. #대학교패스웨이_학사프로그램

#University_Pathway_Undergraduate Programmes


- 대학교 학사 과정 공부를 위한 영어 능숙도를 높히는 프로그램입니다.

- 성공적 수료 시 #오클랜드대학교학사과정 과 다른 뉴질랜드 대학의 학사 과정에 바로 입학하실 수 있습니다.

- 아래 세 프로그램으로 나뉘어져 있습니다

FCertEAP Plus for Undergraduate Studies (Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes Plus): 30 weeks/600 hours

FCertEAP for Undergraduate Studies (Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes): 20 weeks/400 hours

EPUS (English Pathway for Undergraduate Studies): 10 weeks/200 hours.

ELA’s undergraduate pathway programmes are designed to prepare you for your university studies through English.

These are direct entry programmes. This means that when you successfully complete them with the required grade, you will meet the English language requirements for entry to the University of Auckland and a range of other tertiary institutions in New Zealand1.

There are three programmes available to choose from. The most suitable programme for you will depend on your current level of English.

FCertEAP Plus for Undergraduate Studies (Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes Plus): 30 weeks/600 hours

FCertEAP for Undergraduate Studies (Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes): 20 weeks/400 hours

EPUS (English Pathway for Undergraduate Studies): 10 weeks/200 hours.

In these programmes:

- 아래 부분을 공부하시게 됩니다.


You will learn skills and strategies to:
  • understand types of research methods  

  • do primary research and report on your findings  

  • use secondary research and report on findings  

  • write different types of essays and reports for undergraduate levels of study  

  • include information from reading in your writing  

  • paraphrase and use citations  

  • self-edit your writing  

  • read and understand introductory academic texts 
  • improve your general listening skills  

  • understand how lectures are organised   

  • follow and cope with lectures, and group discussions  

  • take notes about main ideas and key points from lectures  

  • communicate confidently in conversations, discussions and presentations  
  • increase your range and use of academic vocabulary and  key grammatical structures   

Study Skills
  • understand your strengths and weaknesses as a language learner  

  • be a self-directed learner  

  • use technology and software to find, organise, and present information effectively  



- 2022년 동안 온라인, 대면 수업이 동시에 진행됩니다.

- 자세한 사항은 문의 주세요.

For the duration of 2022, all of our Pathways Courses are being offered online (as well as face to face for students who are in New Zealand).

Book a free demonstration lesson of these courses HERE.

1Conditions may apply with some programmes - please enquire with the Enrolment team for more information.


▶ 각 코스 입학일과 학비를 확인하세요.




☆ 학교에서 제공하는 숙소 선택사항입니다. 아래 도표로 비용, 아래 링크로 시설을 확인하세요.



▶ 학교 브로셔를 확인하세요.








ICEF국제에이전크트레이닝코스 를 수료했습니다.



국제에이전트고유배지 #ITAC #1793




#2021년오클랜드대학교최우수유학원상 트로피를 받았습니다.




#2021년오클랜드대학교최우수유학원상 을 받았습니다.




#2020년에는 코비드로 시상식 대신 에이전트하이티파티 가 힐튼호텔에서 있어 초대받았습니다.




#2019년오클랜드대학교최우수유학원상 을 받았습니다.




상담은 아래로 부탁드립니다.

​☞ 카카오톡 아이디: lipinpink

☞ 무료 한국직통전화: 070 4623 7448

​☞ 뉴질랜드핸드폰: 022 091 9277

​☞ 연어브로드@Pioneer 회사 전화: 09 3799 111 (내선번호 212)

​☞ 이메일: yeonabroad@pioneernewzealand.com

​☞ 홈페이지: http://www.yeonabroadpioneer.co.nz/


​☞ 블로그: https://blog.naver.com/lupinpink

☞ 주소:

​Yeon LEE

​Marketing Specialist/ Education Consultant

​Pioneer Education & Immigration Services Group Ltd.

​Level 3, Tower 1, 205 Queen Street, Auckland CBD, New Zealand

​Post Code: 1010

※ 연어브로드Pioneer 는 뉴질랜드 오클랜드 현지유학원 파이오니어 유학이민그룹, Pioneer Education & Immigration Services Group Ltd. 의 한국파트입니다.

2022. 3. 28. 월. 뉴질랜드 #오클랜드 #현지유학원 #연어브로드Pioneer #뉴질랜드유학, #뉴질랜드유학후이민 #205QueenStreet #대한민국영사관건물3층, #뉴질랜드비자 #뉴질랜드워홀비자 #뉴질랜드이민 #뉴질랜드영주권 #이민법무팀 #2021뉴질랜드영주권 #카톡lipinpink